koendriks kinky keepsakes

Location: Belgium

there is something of nothing in me, that's quite a lot. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nothing is more important than nothing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- i graduated primary school, but all i had to know i learned in the kindergarten (robert fulghum). -+-+-+-+-+-


my manifest

1. the peculiar identity of a nation must be guaranteed. strangers obtain a temporary residency permit on condition that they have a steady job. this is accordance with the policy in the usa and new zealand. acquired pension is payed to everyone included strangers. it is an illusion to think that musleman will integrate in our society. problems of refugees must be solved in the original country. the maximum percentage of strangers is set at 10%.

2. the state will be at all times the owner of the territorium as always was and is the rule in switzerland. this will prevent groundspeculations by investment- and real estate-companies. the state can start immediately expropriate procedures only if the necessity is real and with normal compensation of the property. the rights of the owners must be sufficiently warranted.

3. every civilian has the right at elementary basic supplies such as house, living, gaz, oil, electricity, cable, telly and water, and in addition on transport with train, tram or bus and also an elementary health nsurrance. right on family allowance, basic primary and secondary education. schoolpeople have right on a period of 12 weeks of holiday, working class on 6 weeks vacation. all these basal supplies are a governmental matter and supplied at rato. there will be a central computer, where all data are kept.

4. basic needs are defined as supplies, needed for living in a normal human way without luxury. all other and extra matters has to be bought. on this material there will be payed vat depending on the level of luxury. basic needs are calculated for each person apart and not dependant on sex or status of marriage.

5. income-taxes are abolished. every one receives a basic wage or salary depending on function. supplies and services are bought, vat depends on the level of the article bought. low percentage for normal food and drinks, higher for householdapparatus, electrical machines, furniture, high for tabacco and beverage, very high for gazoil, gasoline, boats and cars. rent will be synchronised by an objective system, controlled by governement.

6. there will be a minimum income, needed for a normal basic human life. also a maximum income with a limit of 10x the minimum level. the number or load of persons is also indicative for the minimum and the maximum. people out of work will prepared for doing community tasks for 20 hours/week for minimum salary.

7. conscious objectors will be sanctionated in a reasonable way depending on other factors. if necessory they will incorporated in unit of a social army.

the houses of the landlords and corporations will be scored by an objective pointsystem by the state. this score-list will be an obligatory factor with respect of the level of the rent. this will prevent usury. the houses must fulfill minimum standards dictated by the state.

9. the law will be popularized and normalized. The language must be understandable for everybody. same punishments for the same crimes. right is right, not-right is not-right. trics and smart manoeuvers in procedure-faults are noticed, but do not play an essential role in the proces anymore. it can't be true that a criminal escapes his penalty by fatuous facts. more the spirit of the law than the letter will be respected.

10. theft will be punished heavy. recidivists will be discouraged by the arabic law of equality: an eye for an eye, first a thumb, than the forefinger, after that he won't raise his middlefinger anymore. if not, we can help him a hand. fraud and vat-delicts will be punished much heavier.

11. the pillory will be reestablished. there is no better way for popular amusement. tomatoes and rotten eggs are delivered by moral knights, for pedophilatelists there will be an appropiate pillory ;) vandalisme will be punished by workcamps for the lost value. footballmatches will be only broadcasted or transmitted. cycling races will be abolished on behaviour of doping control.

12. the death sentence will be reinstalled. murder and slaughter will be payed by their own life. the way of execution is open for discussion: guillotine, electrical chair or injection. it isn't obligatory for the community to pay for that kind of persons in the long term. also we must consider a "green cooky factory" for cost-bate analysis.

13. aquired properties will stay in the family but with fairly big death-duties. but it must not be like having it all, because your predecessor worked hard for it. by this the number of rich people will be limited.

14. no drugs for kids such as tobacco and beverage. megadancings will be decimised for better social control. public transport is obligatory and organized by train, tram and bus.

15. untreatable drugusers have their necessory junk delivered by the state. no interventions anymore for junkies such as prehospital and hospital emergencies. so called "blackout-boxes" will installed, where excitants can be collected by family and/or undertakers.

16. the workload will be reduced to 30 hours, so every one can do his duty. more jobs will be created this way and also the education of the children will be guaranteed. the exorbitant profits of the shareholders will be limited, a part of the profit will go to the working class, the rest wil be invested in the company or factory itself.

17. church and state will be totally separated. sectorian clubs will be excluded and forbidden. also muslim church because they can't let rest other religies and will conquer the world at cost of the so-called “non-believers”. also aggressive methods of selling house-on-house will be forbidden and sanctionated. being maried will not be used by state for discriminational purposes.

18. in the educational system there will be payed more attention to moral standards. it is not always better to be better than others. there must be enough room for individual development. this society has the intention to sanctionate "deviant behaviour" because it is not the norm. this is particular true for societies in the society.

19. military forces and police-man are select carefully and well controled. they have all the means they need for maintain order and law. citizens are forbidden to have weapons. the gunfactory of the famous fn will be well controled by state. no development aid by fn-factory ;)

20. development aid is structural and takes place in the development country itself in the form of projects. dictators like kabila don't get development aid, they will be publically condemned. besides development will have a non-profit character.

21. transfers to wallony is abolished. means will be distributed at rato of number of citizens between brussels, wallony, flandria and the german canton. every unit is autonome. the same principle for finance, school, health, infrastructure, pensions and taxes. money collected by a certain tax must be used for that specific goal. fund-raising by mutualities for healthcare must be used for healthcare and not for acquiring patrimonium for mutualities.

22. there will be only one central mutuality or healthcare-system. there are no exclusion-criteria. not essential controles and ballast such as not-necessory paperwork will be abolished. work accidents and sport lesions will be handled by the same central organ. unfitness for work will be handled by the same central organ.

23. the patent for new medicins will be maintained. after expiration of the patent the generic medicin will be sold for 1/3 of the original price and only by the original company. research and evaluation is what makes the cost of a medicin. copying the medicin cost almost nothing.

24. the governement will be formed by wise man rather than political parties and their ideologies. nepotisme will be banned. long term vision will prevale at short notice. brussels, wallony, flandra and the german canton are equivalent, transfers are forbidden.

25. there will be founded an general governemental idea-box. every one can dump his ideas and comments on subjects. there will be no reprisal measures for criticism such as this vld-government does at this moment with house searching and confisking pc's ! there will be organized a competition (substitute for the lotto).

note: this is my manifest and not the manifest
and no, i am not a partymember of "the flemish block"



communism in romania

i am coming from a rich armenian family. sadly they lost everything in the communism time. but kept few jewels for their two daughters. and my mom had only me. bad times i am not rich. but i am a princes. no kidding now. i am coming from a blue blood armenian family. they raned away because of the communists and found here other communists. but my grandpop was the poor of the family. he was the 9th kid. all boys. so for him remainded almost nothing to give.

my father was a surgeon. i say was because he doesn't exist for me, but he is alife, practicing. my mommy is economist and was a beauty. and if i say beauty, believe me, it is true. she was very nice and gentle person. just at home and at job. my pop was taking her every day and left her at her job and then came to take her home. she lives with me and my son.

she was 32 when they had a long walk. i was with them and saw him getting angry. she was wearing a new dress and looked just splendid. all men were looking after her, wished for her we stopped in a place, me and mom we had some juices and he drank 500 ml of cognac in twenty minutes.

he was dizzy and came back home. had dinner and he gave me a pill and obliged me take it. after 10 or 15 minutes i felt bit sleepy but my stomach couldn't stand that pill. throwed it out. was our luck. in another 10 min. i was deeply asleeped because that pill was something very strong, for adults.

i waked up fast, with the impression that something wrong, totally wrong was happening. i went in their room. in a corner was my mom. almost death, covered in blood, with knife cuttes all over her body, especialy legs - by the way i have got mine from her - breasts, face and hands - she tried to protect herself. i saw him, he was like a wild animal and i just took a chair and broked it in his head.

then i took my mom, she wasn't able to move, washed her a bit like it was important, and called emergency. in that time my father was the manager of the emergency station. so, they brought me lot of blood, catgut (this is for sewing wounds) and left me alone.

she passed out and my mom was dying. i was the one that took that chair. i tried protect her. it was about 11 pm. i took her easy, and bit by bit, also with some help from her, took her in my room, took all that i had for her, lot of water and locked the door. first it was a hard work to find a veine for a transfusion. she lost too much blood.

my luck is im not impressed by blood because i have seen lot of similar things in hospital since i was five. when i put the transfusion, had analgesic spray and sprayed her cuts one by one and sewed them. but like a kid not like a surgeon.

the result was that i saved her life, stopped bleeding, but she needed another operation to straight those wounds. it took me all the time untill 7 in the morning. she had 118 cuts. some of them very deep. some of them 40 cm long. in the next morning my mom was alife.

the animal waked up and could not believe what he done, but i already hated him for the rest of his life, and i was kid no more. but why your father get angry during walk? i know. and i am normal, and this is another miracle because she was too prety and didn't want other man look at her.

still unbelievable. well, that is why i am strong. and sometimes i think too much. and sometimes i am very bitter but still smiling. and believe me, when there is a athmosferic change she has terrible pains in all that old cuts.

when i was tooken from school, was in the 3-rd grade, they tried first to convince me to tell. i couldn't talk to mom to know what i must say or not. so i told nothing. and one of the police men droped "by accident" a piece of heavy metal on my hand. he broked me two fingers. never trusted them again. was shure they want a scandel not the true. when i came home, mom, who was in such a bad condition cried for my fingers. i sweared ill never cry. well, i was talking only about police.

and if i didn't trust you i never would tell you my so sad story i am ok. always was ok. ever think that id could be worse. and mom is happy with me and my son. as for my father, didn't even see his face in the last 25 years. now i don't feel anything for him. a long time i hated him. now he is drowned in my indifference. does'nt matter if he is rich or poor, healthy or ill, alife or death. he is no more, don't know him, words spoken from my friend dumiflorin.



socialism in bulgaria

what do you want to know? i want it all, from the beginning, but it is time consuming and first of all nobody lived in communism. there was socialism and developed socialism communism is an utopy ask questions. i will try to answer. i have time now.

why is communism an utopy (of cause it is), because human nature is not apt for it. communism means that we must work the same. consume the same things. need the same things. it's against the human nature. we are different not only in the way we look. in our feelings desires otherwise we would be robots if you look carefully in the communistic theory. it is made for people who are absolutely the same. impossible.

yes right, besides i never thought that stalin was an idealist. so there was only socialism. stalin was a maniac depressive, hitler was in the third stadium of syphilis. neurosyphilis. the biggest question is, why people tends to follow insanity and kill each other for that hitler. when he was young he was infected with syphilis by a jewish prostitute u know that then medicine could not quite manage with syphilis with salvarsan only, that's why he wanted to make all fews on soap look at the way he talks on documentary. the first years he looks more normal with every year the damage on his neurosystem can be seen increasing.

there was a nice story about neurosyfilis written by oliver sachs the neuropsychiater from new york: the disease of cupido i remember very nice to read. what is true socialism? and adapted? the mystery for me is how could hitler create a whole nation of idiots? because the biggest harm he did was to his own nation. hitler during worldwar 2 killed 20 million russians. stalin killed 20 million more meanwhile, mostly the intelligence and the best officers in the army, yes yes i think he must have neurosyfilis too. he did not stop even during the war. that's why it took russians that long to win. but they are a strong nation. they did. now he had a mania that people around him want to make a plot and kill him.

there is one pic of stalin holding a 6 years old girl in his hands, i have seen it. this girl is now a woman over 60 even he was insane i think. she told her story in a documentary she ran from the crowd to give flowers to stalin. her parents were ordinary people. for them stalin was an idol two weeks later her parents were arrested and shot as enemies of socialism she said. i have lived all my life with this thought. i gave flowers to stalin and with this i killed my parents.

not adapted socialism and developed socialism, but i was also impressed what you told me about your own experiences in the past, that was reality. there is only one thing i can't understand if you wanted to travel abroad you should have a permission from a high party leader and if they allow you, which was rare, they will allow to have only 20-40 $ with you, ok ask.

why it is that in true socialism, if money and work are "equal" divided people is poorer than in america? because all of us were poor, but kept in some level of poorness, have the most important things not to die, the problem is that money always disappear somehow in the pocket of the party leaders, the communist party, only they did not tell us.

yes, thats what i meant. now our stolen money are in swiss banks and we will never have them back. in socialism there is not that big difference with how it works in america (the poor negroes) our new capitalists are the ex-communists. in america they called the miljonairs always to the cost of others the same as in socialism i think there is no big difference just an other name for people who steal right?

there is, if negroes insist they can have the chance to get out of the mud. and some even do. in socialism if u want to succeed some party leader won't allow you. you could be even punished for that. tell me about your pride to be a bulgarian. well, we are an ancient nation, bulgaria officially exists since 681, we are european historically, geographically and even economically. socialism has been only for 45 years.

bulgaria exists for more than 1300 years. nice and better. we have been erased from the map for 500 years during ottomans and it's said that if it was'nt the turks we would have now been with 40-50 million, not 7 million but europe forgets something very important. to some extend we prevented the whole of europe from being invaded by turks.

yess who did that? if it was'nt us. europa would'nt have been the same today we fought for 500 years, you told me. we have been slaughtered, women raped, 5 years old boys were taken from their mothers and turks made them their most severe warriors that was for 500 years then in 1876 we made a big rebellion.

who was your salvator, your national hero? bulgaria was suppressed with such cruelty that the russian emperor said i can't watch a slavic nation to be killed and they mobilized and army for 2 months and passed our borders about that rebellion victor hugo said: "a whole nation is killed. is there a witness? yes, the whole world". always is. during worldwar 2 we were an ally to germany. our monarch was half german but he did not allow even one bulgarian jew to be killed. that's why hitler poisoned him on a meeting in 1943.

when the russian army came no bulgarian soldier or officer shooted against them they declared us war on 6-th sept 1944 and the war was over on 9-th sept 1944 without even a single shot after that our army took part in the war fighting against hitler together with the russians.

who declared war? russia declared to us. officially we were an ally to germany that's the shortest war in history: 3 days with no shot but you did'nt tell me who your national hero is. we have many. name it chronological. 500 years are a long time to create heroes really a huge number. only the biggest ones (except you) because you is so driven and a warrior too i think.

but vasil levski was real and became a real legend. because he was the most wise and honest person on earth. he tried to organize bulgarians against the ottoman empire his words are:" if i lose, i lose only myself. if i win one whole nation wins." i'm not a hero, just an ordinary woman. next levski btw you does'nt seems to me quite ordinary. to be levski u need a lot of courage, i don't have that guts. you see the whole turkish army was after him for years, at the end they caught him and hang him mmm the following hero? people like him are not born every day, he is like christ for us.

there was already such a person in the past, but not in bulgaria. levski and nevski. u mean the church in sofia? alexander nevski cathedral in sofia? yes i was there for the icons beautiful. but name me another famous bulgarian person. it was built in memory of the russian soldiers who gave their lives for the freedom of bulgaria: botev, karavelov, rakovski. no memory.


and thanks for your "lecture". this is a good short review of our history too. bulgarian history is a very huge book, can't tell you all just one last thing, there was a delegation from israel. bulgarian jews who lived there from many years. one of them said: not europa should accept bulgaria, bulgaria has to accept europa. because what they did during worldwar 2, no other nation did. powerful nation just stood and watched. usa saved some jews but they chose only the best ones. the talents they needed. bulgaria did not choose. she saved all bulgarian jews.

nice sites you gave me. sometimes i feel really sorry that some european politicians forgot what we mean for europa. or may be they did not learn their history lessons, because that's why history is written, to remember. i will learn and i was right, i feel some resentiment in you but that's just oke i like that (meaning nothing). for my friend milena.



the super secretary

1. remind you of your appointment / schedule much ahead of time.
2. retrieves documents, contacts etc. within time.
3. have minimum typo / grammar mistakes on letters / memos.
4. sends and receives email on your behalf.
5. can research on the internet for you on any given topic.
6. can create effective presentations on the computer for you.
7. maintain a positive attitude under pressure.
8. has a better memory than you.

1. job description of an effective secretary

01. your individual job description (develop your own – exercise)
02. avoiding distractions
03. a good secretary is a good manager
04. how to have a memory better than your boss
05. how to stay a step ahead of your boss
06. consistently anticipate your boss’s needs
07. gain the respect of your boss and be taken seriously
08. get what you need from others to accomplish your job and achieve your boss’s goals
09. be seen by your boss and by others as a valuable professional resource
10. expand your administrative management skills to enhance your upward mobility
11. identifying several essential skills
12. developing a trusting partnership with your boss
13. complementing each other’s work styles
14. anticipating and proactively supporting the boss
15. informing the boss...influencing the boss
16. making decisions with the boss and for the boss in absentia
17. using power thoughtfully
18. develop a trusting relationship with your boss
19. partner with multiple bosses and other office professionals

2. time management, organizing & goal setting

01. conquer procrastination and stress
02. improve comprehension and focus
03. perform better when juggling people, paper and priorities
04. juggle multiple responsibilities
05. coordination with other departments
06. how to keep yourself organized
07. keeping track of events, projects, appointments etc
08. prioritizing: the s.m.a.r.t. way to set goals...the five-step time management plan
09. using your power skills to handle the mass of information on your desk
10. accessing your memory and recall skills
11. staying in control: how to use stress to your advantage and handle burnout
12. reading more effectively by increasing comprehension

3. organizing meetings

1. know with whom to communicate when making meeting planning tasks
2. match room setup with meeting objectives
3. select the appropriate hotel facilities and a/v equipment
4. creativity at work
5. keeping a positive attitude
6. dealing with negativity & de-motivation & conflict at the workplace
7. having active listening skills

4. communication / inter-personal skills (changing your language)

1. techniques for screening out incoming mail & highlighting crucial areas
2. how to tackle complaints?
3. telephone skills
4. creativity at work
5. keeping a positive attitude
6. dealing with negativity & de-motivation & conflict at the workplace
7. having active listening skills

5. master communication skills to add to your credibility and influence

6. handle conflict and discourse with agility and professionalism

7. communicate more effectively with sr executives, colleagues and clients

8. flex your communication style to better match your organization’s culture

9. handle office politics and turf wars effectively and gracefully


characteristics of a good secretary

the role of secretary of a management committee can be key to the efficient functioning of the committee, particularly in organisations with few or no paid staff members. below are some of the qualities, skills and knowledge which should be demonstrated by those carrying out this role

quality, skills & knowledge

a good management committee secretary will:

01. be methodical, with good eye for detail
02. be well organised, with an orderly mind
03. bring objectivity to the proceedings
04. deal promptly with correspondence
05. be able to take accurate notes of meetings
06. make sure members receive all the necessary material
07. bring the necessary material to the meeting
08. work well with the chairperson
09. ensure quorum is met for meetings
10. have knowledge or experience of committee procedures

do's and don'ts

+ a good secretary will:
+ a good secretary will not:

1+ be organised.
1- ignore correspondence.

2+ keep copies of all correspondence.
2+ keep information to her/himself.

3+ check quorum is met for meetings.
3- be late for meetings.

4+ respect confidentiality.
4- throw away important papers.

5+ work closely with the chairperson.
5- write down trivial details of all discussions at every meeting.

6+ make it easy for others to take over by keeping clear records.
6- rely on his/her memory.

7+ prepare for meetings well in advance.
7- repeat private conversations.

8+ summarise discussions effectively.
8- organise meetings at the last minute.

9+ keep people informed.
9- ensure accurate minutes of meetings are kept.


how to become a good secretary

it is well known that working as a secretary is not the easiest thing in the world and usually what is going on in reality is in the opposite, secretary happens to be tough and tough position. but how to get pleasure, make your work more productive and also get noticed? in this article you will find the answers to the questions which were torturing you for so long.

things you'll need: 1. strong will 2. patience 3. positive attitude 4. smile

1. at first, lets make it clear - what do you want to get from your job? is it just a temporary work, you do it in order just to earn some money and then you are done with it? or is it a starting position in your career, you fully understand it so take it seriously? i am going to talk about the second option when your attitude to secretarial work is serious and you do it with responsibility.

2. so that is it, your first day work day has come, you are in panic, don't know how to start, what to do and how to deal with endless stream of new information? concentrate and be calm - that is the best way to act in stress situations and first thing you better remember from the beginning. you need to understand that it won't be like that forever, it is happening because of lack of experience and knowledge, once you get to the point of how it all works, you will feel like fish in the sea.

3. in this position you must be very attentive, be stickler for details otherwise you may get into trouble. therefore what i suggest is to get a notebook or writing pad. i underline it, you need a book not sticker notes which you stick wherever it is possible, and as a result you lose information. important here is size, don't get too big, in the opposite it will be more convenient with small one, the size of organizer or address book. there you write a plan of the things you have to do tomorrow - yes, tomorrow, because you just wont have time to make it on the same day, therefore i strongly recommend you to do it the day before with a clear head.

4. be reasonable and try to distinguish the importance and urgency of your tasks. start your day with dealing with the matters which have some deadlines and were asked to be done by your boss. after everything is successfully done, you can get down to less important things.

5. don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't understand or confused about something especially if you are a novice in the company. there is nothing wrong in it, in the opposite it will show you from the better side - you display interest and desire to learn, that is always a good quality. but do it in a relaxed and friendly way, the main rule here is to be polite with your colleagues, always express your gratitude.

6. if you are a secretary for the whole office and being showered with all kind of tasks, don't despair - there is a way out from this situation as well - when someone gives you work and you are being busy with other things, take it but don't be shy to say that you are now doing something else given to you by (say who) and after you finish you will start working on it, unless, of course, it does not requite immediate actions.


top 10 qualities of a great secretary

01. organized and detail oriented.

02. puts the boss's and company's "best foot forward" since he/she will most likely come in contact with clients before the boss does.

03. always answers the phone and greets visitors with a smile on his/her face and in his/her voice.

04. has up-to-date skills and the ability to learn new skills and procedures with ease.

05. knows when to keep his/her mouth shut and when not to. doesn't quibble over the small stuff.

06. listens well and presents solutions rather than dwell on problems.

07. presents a professional appearance and attitude at all times. doesn't bring personal problems to work.

08. follows through quickly and efficiently with all tasks.

09. terrific spelling and grammar skills, and knows how to interpret the boss's hieroglyphics!

10. remembers the pressures the boss is under and doesn't bother the boss with every little problem.


how to become a secretary

1. obtain a degree in business administration or attend classes offered by community or vocational schools. there are 2-year degrees available in secretarial training. training involves computer and keyboarding classes and office skills. entry-level positions don't require training, but some basic computer and office skills are necessary. you must also type quickly and proficiently.

2. become proficient in skills such as keyboarding, spelling, communication, grammar and punctuation. employers of secretaries also seek honesty, discretion and organization. secretaries must often work independently and organize their work to become efficient in the office.

3. go into a field that you enjoy. if you would like working in healthcare, apply for a medical secretary position. legal secretaries require special training, but the earning potential is higher than that of other secretaries.

4. apply for an entry-level secretarial position in an office even before you have training. experience on your resume is often looked upon as greater than some training courses.

5. be prepared to learn on the job. many secretarial positions require job-specific skills. employers or co-workers help get you started and may offer specific training courses for that particular job.

6. dress appropriately for an office position when being interviewed for a secretarial position. a secretary is often the first person clients see. employers want you to look professional and appropriate.


the homeless

it is not because i have a shelter, a full bottle of wine in the bin and a dog in the basket, that i don't lay on that bench where upon the homeless sleeps. it is because my hand want to caress the dog in the morning, that isn't there.


hello folks

my name is hero, im a dutchman, living in belgium and because of that they (the belgian people) calls me a "nederbelg" = a south-netherlander working and living in belgium. and as you already supposed it's a nick-name. there isn't a country in the whole world, that is so skilled in making an art from discrimination. and it is almost hilaric to say that it starts by the belgian government with discrimination of their own people and later on with their neighbours, especially dutch people. the reason for this behaviour you can find in the history of both nations: belgium was split off from the netherlands after napoleon invades the netherlands.

in the centuries after this splitt off, there grew a distinct difference in characteristics between the belgium and dutch people: belgium people tends to have more southern mentality like mediterraneans. they adore the enigma "joie de vivre", so they tend to be late at appointments for half an hour at least (if they come at all), so one could say that they are not so reliable as dutch people. dutch people in general are right, straight, open and direct. they don't like hotch-potch, because this directs away from the intended goal. dutch people like to say as it is without diversions, straight to the goal.

belgium people in general are not open or direct at all, they manipulate people, they are underhand, acts behind one's back. they are so-called polite, but in the mean time, they gossip about every thing they know about you. belgium people have also a kind of german mentality in the way that they always seek support by their superiors. one might say they are fine hypocrites, but they lack the insight view of hippocrates. and by the way the belgium government and policical parties are predecessors: they show their subjects how to do it and even the court in belgium shows lately.

i mention one quote of a politician marc van peel and senator (the chair-man of cd&v) on 14/05/97 in the paper "de groene amsterdammer" who said that he rather like to sit on an isle full with turcs than on an isle full of dutch people.

so, maybe i have a nickname like "nederbelg", but im fully a dutchman to the backbone, nevertheless i live in belgium for more than thirty years now. and no, i will not sollicitate for the belgium nationality ;)


welfare in bulgaria

well i have been twice in hospital, hope i never get there again, yes with the childbirth, yes never knew that life could be that miserable before that. they were not nice to you? it was regular practice, i have no idea how is it now, if you want i can tell you, from the consultations that i went for months they told me to go when pains get every 10-15 mins. no need to go earlier, but i felt that something was wrong, it started very bad. you know we studied one year gynaecology in the medical institute, so i was aware. no ambulance then, my husband drove me and left me: they don't allow relatives in. uh, unbelievable. first the doctor on duty came, examined me fast and said: hey, you are for sectio, didn't anyone tell you? i had pains every minute. so they showed me a bed and for one hour no one came to see me. ai ai what a pervert system. a nurse came in, turned on some device, said: lie on ur back, i said i can't, i suffocate when i am on my back, can’t breath. yes you can she said, and went out. then understood that they have some other sectio and i have to wait for 2 more hours when the anaesthesiologist came and said: we are starting, are you afraid? i said, i agree if you cut my throat just stop that pain. on the other morning about 10.00 hour a nurse came and said: you can stand up. from those high beds after operation, i tried but could not. she said: you just stand up and go to the other bed. the woman next said that i looked so pale, she thought that i would faint, anyway i did not. in two hours they brought the baby, put it in a bed next to me and she said: nurse it. then my son got staphylococcus. 4 days i tried to make some doctor pay some attention at the end i made a scandal, i saw the rashes and i did not like them, at last a pediatrician came and examined the kid and started yelling: quickly, we have to isolate him, 11 days in hell. when i got out of hospital i was thinner than before pregnancy, you see, i even was not happy that i gave birth, i looked at the baby and thought that may be it's not mine. i hope they don't work there in the hospital now, i don’t know. second time i found a doctor who i knew. but the misery in hospital was the same: miserable attitude, dirty lavatories. yes good for the newspapers. and what was the reason for section? big baby over 4 kilo's, it just could not get out, my bones are not that wide for such big baby the second baby was big again, but this time they planned it and cut me earlier. i am without words. you see, i heard from some women in hospital that they were paying money under the desk, at least to be sure that they will get a good doctor, so the second time i arranged a doctor earlier. and that was all in the town you live in? well, i heard that it happened in other towns too. still today?? you see, they started reforms in the health sector after socialism was gone the mess and lack of control was total, i see, i don't know today, i avoid the hospital, yes i would do the same, you see, if there are good doctors, the system smashes them too but overhere it is quite different, i know, i have a friend who married an outlander, all fine doctors, with interest for their patients, her first kid was born in bulgaria from her first marriage, the second one was born in outland, she said that now she believes that delivering a child is not that scary. yess then you know the difference, she said, they even put me anaesthesia. here they were making abortions in hospitals without anaesthesia so be happy, if u get sick at least there is good hospital for you. thanks, but i wished it was true for you too. i hope i don't have to see the hospital, but alas, i might need medical help some day (from my friend milena).
