Location: Belgium

there is something of nothing in me, that's quite a lot. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nothing is more important than nothing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- i graduated primary school, but all i had to know i learned in the kindergarten (robert fulghum). -+-+-+-+-+-



symptoms and signs

01. eyebrows
02. eye blinking
03. staring
04. flared nostrils
05. mouth twitching
06. lip puckering
07. biting
08. chewing (including tongue and cheek)
09. bonbon sign
10. mouth opening
11. teeth grinding
12. tongue in and out
13. tongue, sustained protruding
14. putting fingers to lips
15. putting other objects to lips
16. putting fingers into mouth
17. putting other objects into mouth
18. grimacing
19. head rolling
20. head tilting
21. other head/neck stereotypy
22. other head/neck stereotypy
23. hand flapping
24. hand wringing
25. finger wiggling
26. slapping objects
27. patting thighs
28. clapping hands together
29. rubbing fingers on surfaces
30. rubbing thighs
31. covering eyes with hands
32. covering ears with hands
33. covering nose with hands
34. covering mouth with hands
35. spinning objects
36. toe wiggling
37. patting foot on floor
38. rubbing foot on floor
39. rubbing foot on items other than floor
40. rubbing feet together
41. crossing legs
42. foot eversion
43. foot inversion
44. body rocking
45. tip-toe walking
46. forceful breathing
47. smelling, sniffing
48. bronx cheer
49. other stereotypy
