koendriks kinky keepsakes

Location: Belgium

there is something of nothing in me, that's quite a lot. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nothing is more important than nothing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- i graduated primary school, but all i had to know i learned in the kindergarten (robert fulghum). -+-+-+-+-+-


turkish fruit

master's delight

maybe u didn't know, but my full cousin is honorable count dracula from transylvania. in 1001 i visited by night the turkish market to buy an obedient good looking female slave, who was captured longtime ago by the osmans in the balkans. my nephew the count wasn't satisfied, because - he told me - her neck was too thin for a good bite, so he told me to keep the balkany slave as my personal trophy. i thought it was a good idea to station her at the border of romania, in case my nephew changed his mind. she was a fully adorable balkan slave and she accepted me as her only master without any comment. she loved her master and she would do anything her master wanted her to do. and because she was clever and erudite, she masters the longings and wishes of her maestro. even a half word or a eye wink was enough and after a while she was able to read his masters mind. the master ordered her to find a little castle - with some cellars and a tower - so he could live there customized and updated in a way masters deserve. she loved to be captured in handcuffs and be tortured by the whip, especially his. this not-so-ordinary relation was special in a way that they loved each other with mutual respect. she wanted him as her only master to fulfill her longings and needs and to let him feel as original and real master, and by the way what would be a so-called master without a dedicated slave? the master was very kind to her and never showed any sadistic trait, on the contrary he treated her like a princess and she appreciated it fully. and because she was his personal property her name was ananyma ;)- so now u know she is fully mine. don't spoil it!



the heart-filler

in a far-away land of the nether-rhine was living a lonely hermit, a descendant of the famous magician gandalf. they told his name was hero anomymus a kindrid spirit of hieronymus the great. and that he was a master in applying herbs for healing wounds and broken hearts.

from near and far they visited the master in the hope he could cure ailments of different kind. once upon a time there was a beautiful woman living in the balkan peninsula, who lost her mind and spirit and also her dreams hidden deep in her heart. she felt there was nothing more than emptiness.

despite there was no goal in wearing nice clothes, still she hides her emptiness in it, because she was shy and didn't want to show this to everyone. and indeed everybody who encountered her appearance was full of enthusiasm and they didn't noticed the person, who was wearing the clothes.

she felt so lonely and sad at the same time and she was looking for affection and love, but she couldn't find it in her neigborhood, because that would be to obvious. so she looked far away in the promised land thousend of miles away, knowing in the same time the restrictions.

if she was prepared to leave her only son to travel to the land of the lower rhine and its misty nibelungen, that was the question. the problem was not only her empty heart, but also that it was locked inside to be sure she would stay empty a kind of penalization of her inner ego.

she was a kind person to all who met her, so nobody would expect her total emptiness inside and her agony to survive. despite she was high educated, there was no understanding of the underlying disease. this was remarkable because she owns a masters degree in psychology.

to hide her emptiness she threw herself at work and even took a second job with the silly excuse of lack of money and the upgoing prices for living, but the real reason was that there wasn't enough time left to feel the enormous emptiness of life and the chronic pain in her heart.

could it be a form of reactive depression? the desillusions of life, the bad behaviour of the governments and their greed? maybe, but I think the real problem was more structural. she couldn't appreciate anymore the signals of the society, people send to her. she was slowly desintegrating.

maybe a certain degree of depersonalization. a dissociative disorder: the independency of feelings and thoughts, the feeling to be an external monitor of your own body and mental processes like the feeling that everything happens in a dream?

normally this would causes a significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. she was lucky in a way, that her work was quite individal in both of her jobs, so the distress or impairment was bearable and not that disastrous.

now we can assume she needs badly the help of the lonely hermit hero, because he was master in loneless and emptiness. the story goes that he became a master after his druide germania left him without love almost for the same reason.

it was clear to hero that his trial to heal the standart wife from the balkany land would be very difficult even almost impossible to accomplish. he started to imagine her way of thinking and empathize her emotions so he started to understand her being.

it was a strange hollow feeling hero felt and a weird world evolved in his heart. he recognized the coldness and loneless and was shivering by the thought of it. so he decide first to make a little fire in his mind to expel the devasting cold. a little flame of hope and warmth was born.

than he gathered some paly roses from the bank of the lower rhine and squeezed them all except one to gain rose oil from them and put some firethorn with it to make the mix boiling in the pail. also he added some forget-me-not (myosotis versicolor) to be sure that the rose wouldn't forget the fire.

in his mind he took some rose oil from the can and he smears and lubricated the lock in the heart of the balkan girl (she didn't came from kanzanluk, where roses were born all the times) and look a little miracle happens: the lock opens without strain to let the doors of her blindfolded heart open.

the mind of hero was captured by a feeling of well-being and hot-spots were born in his mind feeding his lower rhinencephalon full of emotions. his limbic system was excited and even he wanted to dance the limbo with the balcony girl to enjoy wonderful feelings of togatherness.

than hero started to concentrate in his brain to emit his peaceful happiness like a quasar to be sure that the beam would reach the so lonely balkan girl to enlight her lonely heart to warm her with empathy and a little ray of hope and trust.

now hero was waiting to meet her in the land of roses to smell her existence, wondering how the feelings should be, when he offered her the rose, that he deliberatedly put aside, when he was making his love potion from the herbs of the bank of the lower rhine.



the land of orf

this is the unbelievable fairytale of the land of orf, where no real king ruled, but the sadistic master, who we shall name great smorf (sadistic master of orf). he was the master of the winds – every kind of wind – from borealis, the wind of the north, that brought coolness after the summer, orientalis the wind of the east, that takes the seeds in the spring and fertilized the great barren plains, needed to feed the plants, the fruits and the grains in the summer, notus the wind of the south, that let swell the waves of the rivers and zephyr the wind of the west, that brings rain for feeding the land with vegetations and crops. the land was inhabitated by people with the name of smorfies, because most of them lived in the plains of drassy swamps, where here and there wells bubbles up from the soil with odors, that were feed by the particular and personal winds of the great stinky smorf. it is sure that in those winds were aromatics, that we could compare with the spheromones in that sense, that they stay dependent from the great smorf as long as they inhale that smorfic wind and therefore they were called smorfies. it is not certain if the great smorf was in the past the pupil of the magician rinzwind.

and because the life was regulated in the land of orf by the great smorf, and he for sure had the land under his control with his terror, he declared war once per year and combat with his smorfies to import fresh blood from elsewhere and also for some distraction. in the neighbour land flandriak lived the lovely princess ghanna, daughter of king lheuto, who ruled in peace over flandriak. and so it happens that the great smorf her captured in a cunning way, when she and her train resided in her country-house, that was located in the neighborhood of the land of orf and he submitted her and she came under his power. and because he was the master of all winds, she goes around drugged by the winds to serve her master. king lheuto was shocked and angry and puzzled his head of how he could set free his lovely daughter ghanna. the military service was declared again and he promised a big som of money to the one, who could saved her from the great ugly smorf.

by incident it was that there lived in the mountains of the land of orf and at the border of flandriak a man with the name of ghondrik. from origin he came from the land of nederbaaf east of the land of orf. he was a gay bold man with sense for adventure and he was touched by the fate of the smorfies. in the mountains there were less wells, so there were also less smorfies and the people that lived overthere were called the freesmorfies and the lived free and far from the capital smorfstock. ghondrik heared by the heraut of king lheuto that the king offered a lot of money for the liberation of his lovely daughter ghanna. and because the land of nederbaaf was neighbouring the land of flandriak, ghondrik knew already the lovely ghanna frome the statevisits in the past and he remembered her that she was at that time already a desirable princess, very handsome and well educated. her royal robe was stiched with brockade, that they called brockanje because the shining color.

on the other side of the mountains there lived people free of the influence of the smorfic winds and the were called gnurks. they were little strong tough earthman and they were called gnurks because they looked gnurks and made some small sounds like gnurk. still they had a good character and lived from the trade with the freesmorfies and together they had an anti-smorf-pact because they had learned from the past. they lived in hollow trees and earthgalleries and they could transport themselves with great velocity above and under the ground. if they ever met the hobbits of gandalf, who knows. the freesmorfies on the contrary were cave people and they lived from hunting and fishing. they had a particular talent: the had an enormous sharp vision and could see over long distances, that was a great advantage for them. as such they had seen ghondrik coming from far but also that he had no evil intentions and so it was that ghondrik has joined the freesmorfies for resting in reflexion and starting new adventures.

so it happens that he made a plan to set free the lovely princess ghanna from the netherwinds of the mean smorf and to take her back in great triumph to her father lheuto, king of flandrak. the choice between a big sum of money or the dowry seems not to difficult for him, because if he would marry her, he would be king of flandriak after some time and by the way we know that money doesn’t make really happy and for sure if you have already enough money. and what most people didn’t know was that ghondrik was the son of king baafdrik of nederbaaf, east of the land of orf.

the plan of ghondrik was as follows. his father baafdrik, king of nederbaaf, should execute a sham attack in the east on the land of orf, so the great smorf would mobilize the major part of the obedient smorfies in the east. ghondrik himself would with assistance of the freesmorfies and the gnurks set direction to the capital smorfstock, where princess ghanna was captured in one of the cellars of the castle of the mean smorf, who should be on the east-front at that time to command his stuffy smorfies.

and to diminish the influence of the great stinking smorf and his smorfic winds, that evapourated from the wells, ghondrik found out the following tactics: the freesmorfies had to localize the wells with their sharp vision so that the gnurks could interfere with the bubbling up vapours of the wells by adding swamp gaz to it so that this mix became inflammable and could be set in fire. the smorfies, who were leaved behind form logistic point of view or because they were to old to fight, wouldn’t inhale the toxic damps anymore so that their minds were set free and they could join the army of ghondrik. in that manner the advancing army would grow exponentional and against the time that they would reach smorfstock massive so the resistance of the few elite troups of the smorf would be broken fast and princess ghanna could be set free from the dusty cellars of the smorfcastle. and so it happens and all goes according plan.

princess ghanna was set free en brought back to her father lheuto, king of flandriak by the adventurous prins ghondrik of nederbaaf and there was a story that princess ghanna herself was prepared to pay a big sum of money, if ghondrik would take her as his wife. you see now how right-minded this daughter was and how she looks like her father qua character.

at last the mean ugly stinky smorf was beaten at the eastfront by the arny of the nederbaafs, the freesmorfies and the gnurks. for punishment he was filled up with swamp gas and set in fire by a torch so he explode with a big bang. it was seen in a wide distance if it was a firework to honnor the marriage between ghanna and ghondrik. flandriaks, nederbaafs, freesmorfies and gnurks were invited for celebrating the wedding, that by decrete was set for seven days. everyone was happy and lived in peace and as foretold became ghondrik also the king of flandriak, when king lheuto ceased from old age.



the princess on the frog

in the time that i still could dream, i dreamed once of a princess, that i liked very much. and see, the pea under the feather-lite matras on wich the princess slept felt down on the very fertile soil, the earthsoil, that always carries fruit for the descendents, because the four poster bed, in wich she dreamed was of cause situated midden in nature and because is was a dream of a princess, the pea began to take root, yes the pea was fallen in very fertile soil, not that there were immediately string-beans (in duth princess-beans) born, for that you need stille a cross-pollination, no because it was a dream the pea began to grow to the light above.

so blooms and grews the peaplant quickly aloft, further and further and reached in short time the sky. under on the basis of the plant sat a frog a bewitched little prince (who else is the right person for a princess?) to croack loud at his magnificent princess. please take me with you in your four poster bed oh lovely princess, so that i can you take to heaven. and the frog began his long journey upstairs along the papillonaceous flowers that abundantly grew along the peaplant. also the frog made croachy noises as would he splash in the pond with his princess.

the princess was touched because she thought that the frog maybe could be a bewitched prince (who never had heard of of that fairytale?) she bent forward to the papillonaceous flowers in that way that her delightful breasts were exposed as mature fruits and lifted the frog with a kind gesture into the four poster bed, but not before she had kissed the frog on his cold nose, because he persist to say, take me with you, take me with you, take me. and see suddenly the frog changed in a beautifull young and little prince. he kissed his so beloved princess and they lived as long as the dream.



the new cindermaid and the colored sneakers

once upon a time there was a beautiful balkan girl who was looking for her little prince to ride, and because she lived in a city called the pearl of the blacksea, she visited daily the beach where she sat on the whitty sand of the golden beach and looked over the foamy waves of her beloved blacksea (cherno more) and dreamed about her little prince. just imagine that the little prince was riding the horse on the tidal waves, he must be almost like jesus. no wonder her little prince never arrived. and because she was always barefooted in the sand, she thought it would be a nice idea to left the left gymshoe on the beach and kept the right one at home, right? so the little prince would know, whenever he arrives, that he should look for the long leg fitting the sneaker. sometimes she was sad and she played bach and the viola for comfort. there was only one problem, the beautiful girl had an identical sister, how to decide between them for the little prince? it would be at random. but luckily the other sister found her little prince almost five years earlier and besides that she expected her own little prince now at the end of august. because her twinsister loved her other half, she went every day to the shore to see at the left shoe, where she put every time a new fresh twig of the cherrytree to welcome the real little prince. she waited and waited almost for nothing and she was thinking, maybe maybe if i show my nice pink colored sneakers to others, maybe u can recognize them and u would know that u are the long-expected little prince. don’t forget to let me know.



may and me

fortunately it is may and i know the poem may (1886-1889) from herman gorter by the heart. i possess an old edition (1929) in scarlet-red linen cover. he is one of my favorite poets. one may has to be celebrated because it is not only the day of labour but also the beginning of the spring. thus spring with me together in my poem:

ah! he looks around compassionate at the fresh green sprigs sprouted from the spring, that has to bud in a foliage of variegated colors, a medley of sounds and fragancy. in the field lays dived away all in all two lovers wedged between their arms so firmly that the air seems to tremble, so intense it was that balder held his beloved may in his arms. birds in the sky fligh away from the air on wich the sun shined, twittering their merry songs, where commotion was coming, so intense was the kiss, that sounded around and like a breese propagated over the fragrant meadows and the green foliage, where the birds dances around till the fresh born morning. the sheep in the fields heared their sigh and looked at the sky that was full of living melodies by introducing the new spring. yes, so has to sound the song i love.

the child of may was newborn and balder ran lost musing and gay, listening to the splashed murmur of the silver river, where he seems to take part for a minute with the whitthy foamy waves, that covers the brook here and there. there leaked some droplets from the bank back into the banklet that looks so pretty and covers his feet with wet shining shim of humid moist. birds in the sky glided on and off in graceful flight to the brush-wood on the riverbank, in twittering song full of notes moulded in sunny shine. may looked with soft glance in her eyes at balder in the far distance, where the playful murmur of the brooklet and the tweeting song of the birds enclosed them. the lambs in the fields played frisky and happy, the bleating was heard till late in the evening as a short series of egophonias on the rim, so so slide away the one of that may.
