Location: Belgium

there is something of nothing in me, that's quite a lot. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nothing is more important than nothing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- i graduated primary school, but all i had to know i learned in the kindergarten (robert fulghum). -+-+-+-+-+-


my manifest

1. the peculiar identity of a nation must be guaranteed. strangers obtain a temporary residency permit on condition that they have a steady job. this is accordance with the policy in the usa and new zealand. acquired pension is payed to everyone included strangers. it is an illusion to think that musleman will integrate in our society. problems of refugees must be solved in the original country. the maximum percentage of strangers is set at 10%.

2. the state will be at all times the owner of the territorium as always was and is the rule in switzerland. this will prevent groundspeculations by investment- and real estate-companies. the state can start immediately expropriate procedures only if the necessity is real and with normal compensation of the property. the rights of the owners must be sufficiently warranted.

3. every civilian has the right at elementary basic supplies such as house, living, gaz, oil, electricity, cable, telly and water, and in addition on transport with train, tram or bus and also an elementary health nsurrance. right on family allowance, basic primary and secondary education. schoolpeople have right on a period of 12 weeks of holiday, working class on 6 weeks vacation. all these basal supplies are a governmental matter and supplied at rato. there will be a central computer, where all data are kept.

4. basic needs are defined as supplies, needed for living in a normal human way without luxury. all other and extra matters has to be bought. on this material there will be payed vat depending on the level of luxury. basic needs are calculated for each person apart and not dependant on sex or status of marriage.

5. income-taxes are abolished. every one receives a basic wage or salary depending on function. supplies and services are bought, vat depends on the level of the article bought. low percentage for normal food and drinks, higher for householdapparatus, electrical machines, furniture, high for tabacco and beverage, very high for gazoil, gasoline, boats and cars. rent will be synchronised by an objective system, controlled by governement.

6. there will be a minimum income, needed for a normal basic human life. also a maximum income with a limit of 10x the minimum level. the number or load of persons is also indicative for the minimum and the maximum. people out of work will prepared for doing community tasks for 20 hours/week for minimum salary.

7. conscious objectors will be sanctionated in a reasonable way depending on other factors. if necessory they will incorporated in unit of a social army.

the houses of the landlords and corporations will be scored by an objective pointsystem by the state. this score-list will be an obligatory factor with respect of the level of the rent. this will prevent usury. the houses must fulfill minimum standards dictated by the state.

9. the law will be popularized and normalized. The language must be understandable for everybody. same punishments for the same crimes. right is right, not-right is not-right. trics and smart manoeuvers in procedure-faults are noticed, but do not play an essential role in the proces anymore. it can't be true that a criminal escapes his penalty by fatuous facts. more the spirit of the law than the letter will be respected.

10. theft will be punished heavy. recidivists will be discouraged by the arabic law of equality: an eye for an eye, first a thumb, than the forefinger, after that he won't raise his middlefinger anymore. if not, we can help him a hand. fraud and vat-delicts will be punished much heavier.

11. the pillory will be reestablished. there is no better way for popular amusement. tomatoes and rotten eggs are delivered by moral knights, for pedophilatelists there will be an appropiate pillory ;) vandalisme will be punished by workcamps for the lost value. footballmatches will be only broadcasted or transmitted. cycling races will be abolished on behaviour of doping control.

12. the death sentence will be reinstalled. murder and slaughter will be payed by their own life. the way of execution is open for discussion: guillotine, electrical chair or injection. it isn't obligatory for the community to pay for that kind of persons in the long term. also we must consider a "green cooky factory" for cost-bate analysis.

13. aquired properties will stay in the family but with fairly big death-duties. but it must not be like having it all, because your predecessor worked hard for it. by this the number of rich people will be limited.

14. no drugs for kids such as tobacco and beverage. megadancings will be decimised for better social control. public transport is obligatory and organized by train, tram and bus.

15. untreatable drugusers have their necessory junk delivered by the state. no interventions anymore for junkies such as prehospital and hospital emergencies. so called "blackout-boxes" will installed, where excitants can be collected by family and/or undertakers.

16. the workload will be reduced to 30 hours, so every one can do his duty. more jobs will be created this way and also the education of the children will be guaranteed. the exorbitant profits of the shareholders will be limited, a part of the profit will go to the working class, the rest wil be invested in the company or factory itself.

17. church and state will be totally separated. sectorian clubs will be excluded and forbidden. also muslim church because they can't let rest other religies and will conquer the world at cost of the so-called “non-believers”. also aggressive methods of selling house-on-house will be forbidden and sanctionated. being maried will not be used by state for discriminational purposes.

18. in the educational system there will be payed more attention to moral standards. it is not always better to be better than others. there must be enough room for individual development. this society has the intention to sanctionate "deviant behaviour" because it is not the norm. this is particular true for societies in the society.

19. military forces and police-man are select carefully and well controled. they have all the means they need for maintain order and law. citizens are forbidden to have weapons. the gunfactory of the famous fn will be well controled by state. no development aid by fn-factory ;)

20. development aid is structural and takes place in the development country itself in the form of projects. dictators like kabila don't get development aid, they will be publically condemned. besides development will have a non-profit character.

21. transfers to wallony is abolished. means will be distributed at rato of number of citizens between brussels, wallony, flandria and the german canton. every unit is autonome. the same principle for finance, school, health, infrastructure, pensions and taxes. money collected by a certain tax must be used for that specific goal. fund-raising by mutualities for healthcare must be used for healthcare and not for acquiring patrimonium for mutualities.

22. there will be only one central mutuality or healthcare-system. there are no exclusion-criteria. not essential controles and ballast such as not-necessory paperwork will be abolished. work accidents and sport lesions will be handled by the same central organ. unfitness for work will be handled by the same central organ.

23. the patent for new medicins will be maintained. after expiration of the patent the generic medicin will be sold for 1/3 of the original price and only by the original company. research and evaluation is what makes the cost of a medicin. copying the medicin cost almost nothing.

24. the governement will be formed by wise man rather than political parties and their ideologies. nepotisme will be banned. long term vision will prevale at short notice. brussels, wallony, flandra and the german canton are equivalent, transfers are forbidden.

25. there will be founded an general governemental idea-box. every one can dump his ideas and comments on subjects. there will be no reprisal measures for criticism such as this vld-government does at this moment with house searching and confisking pc's ! there will be organized a competition (substitute for the lotto).

note: this is my manifest and not the manifest
and no, i am not a partymember of "the flemish block"
