the baron
it is not so long time ago, that we received a message that there was a baron underway with a very delicate problem. the baron belonged to a famous house descended from the distant past and the baron had adapted himself in the course of the years in a way that his fundaments also started to show some defects. he loved to listen music especially the classics, he dreamed away in a sweet way and like a proper baron becomes he had at his proposal a butler, who we will name james because of privacy. of cause it wasn’t his real name. james was devoted to his master for years now and fore sure after the time that the baroness passed away.
so it happened on an eve, when the baron was laying on his couch listening to bach and after a drinking-bout, where the baron had let himself go in a distinguished way, that he enjoyed an adagio con vibrato, that suddenly the last part of the adagio came lose and closed in an spectaculair way the bachanal. and because it was not that easy to wait untill the batteries became unloaded - you all know the reclame-spot of the drumming rabbit with the duracell plus advanced performance battery - and also because the internal massage wasn’t that nice and on the long run painful, the baron ordered his butler james to phone the first aid department with haste, to tell that they were coming in no time and also because james wasn’t able to counteract or to withdraw the vibrator.
and because they asked explicit to handle the problem with confidency and care the news spreaded like a fire so almost everybody was waiting at the intrance of the first aid. the baron and his butler james were received with all regards. in the beginning you could think that the baron suffered on a refined form of parkinson, because he was continue nodding his head, but later after a deep examination the diagnose was renamed as pseudo-parkinsonism due to a interfering mechanism. the x-ray of the lower abdomen showed the corpus non si alienus clearly and they made the decision to perform a coloscopy.
but because the form of the corpus delicti looked like a torpedo and had a very smooth but hard surface. therefore, the chance to catch the torpedo with the small arm of the coloscope was very low. maybe i may stand still with the problem, but not the questionable vibrator in action, that easy bumped away from the taster of the coloscope. so they made the decision to manipulate during a short narcose, because it was easier to manoeuvre with suitable equipment and indeed now it was possible to extract the little theme park to export it outside the gate. the baron was allowed to rest for some time in the verkoever-chamber.
the apparatus was switched off, the trophy cleaned and polished and handed triumphant back to his legitimate owner (not send retour). our advise was to bore a hole central in the screw cap to fix a life-line if u understand what i mean. after the intervention in the operatingroom there was no sign anymore of parkinsonism, notwithstanding the fact that the baron made a certain movement with his right hand that ressembled strongly counting money, but afterall it showed that he informely asked for the bill. but as you know, we send first the bill to the assurance company and the remaining amount nicely in a closed envelope.
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