Location: Belgium

there is something of nothing in me, that's quite a lot. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nothing is more important than nothing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- i graduated primary school, but all i had to know i learned in the kindergarten (robert fulghum). -+-+-+-+-+-


the two woman

now i started to reveal some secrets of my profession, the underlaying motives, the psychics and the defense-mechanisms, i go back to the eighties, were i became almost protestant de novo through the merchandising of the company rambo, that layed good in the market at that time and every body sewed, who had connections with rambo, marked by the words;”we are so good for u, we stitch you if possible”.

in the waiting-room of my consultation there seated a woman of two, or something alike, surely very ordinary, you know them well, costumized in fur coats with long hairs, who had have their best time as well the fatty blond curly hair, that only lacked the pads. stereotyped dressed in little skirts and nylons running to the crotch, that u could find with a little chance, if you hold the right position.

i forgot the reason of the consultation, maybe something like stabs in the breasts. both of the woman could be employed with ease in the sewingfactory of rambo as needlewoman, and if they didn’t work there already, they had employed at ease for a poorly remuneration, when they had sollicitated for the job. the firm rambo always had a good sense for business, i call it myself:”the sewing of cunts”.

the first young lady about 25 years of age, dowdy and dummer blond, tried to explain to me her complaints with a really hoarse voice, meanwhile looking moretimes to the older woman - maybe 10 years – the diagnosis was made already and because i wanted not to loose my good name, i asked her to undress the the upper body in the dressing-box in the corner of my consulting-room, quite a nice and modern dressing-column.

i asked myself why i was so surprized, when she stepped back in the room again almost totally naked except for a flesh-colored slip with underbeneath an inviting slit for the buyers, that showed a quite dark bunch of public hair. it let an burning impression in my not insensible retina, by wich i almost suffered from an acute absolutio retinae.

in the past i was used to strange situations, but in all the years of my practice i have seen nothing but solid belgium drawers. i don’t exaggerate when i say that they (the patients) confronted me on the average one time in three years with a nice pair of “haute couture” such as a nice colored model with a mystic scent, something piquancy of lace, mostly french or italian from origine. but nothing of that fore-mentioned label had her ordinary slip.

therefore i asked myself what the hidden intention was, the reason why the lady putted on this special slip for my consultation and i had to conclude that she had the intention to screw me in public whilst her girlfriend was looking, to make her hot for the game after. that she could be deligate on purpose by the firm rambo seems not logical and over the point.

besides i have to tell u, that i was not afraid, because rambo himself screwed his little italian secretary on the fourth flour of his medical centre and not in his sewing-atelier, but this fact i didn’t now at the time of the consultation of the two woman. so i was right in my assumption that they couldn’t delegated by his firm, but i am cautious, i learned from the past. so i said - a master worthy - i see u took your mother with you. than they started to yell and leaved my consulting-room under protest, not clear what they ment by that. fuck them all. tweedledum and tweedledee!
