the interest of smoking and drinking
it is interesting to see how different governments look at this particular problem:
as i remembered well from early history, the rulers of the communistic regimes and underdeveloped countries, recognized the problem very well and they use the old adagium: give them bread and circuses, divida et impera. to keep the vox populi silent, the tax on tobacco and booth had to be kept low for their own safety.
the "so-called" civilized countries try to hide their intentions by brainwashing people by telling them that smoking or alcohol is very bad for their condition and that they (the smokers or the alcoholics) "obvious" use more healthcare (read money) from society than normal citizens. of course this is true, but they "forgot" intentionally to mention the amount of tax on cigarettes and booth.
so, let's try to think properly about this problem to evaluate the differences between the smokers vs non-smokers group, and the drinkers vs non-drinkers group. but also the differences between the not-at-all-users group and the alternative-users group.
if you smoke very modest - let's say for simple analytic and multiplication purposes - 1 packet of cigarettes per week and i presume you smoke about 40 years (20-60 years of age). it will cost you: 52 (weeks) x 40 years x 5 € (the price at this very moment) = 10.400 €.
if you are the "average" smoker, you consume a packet a day, so you will pay 7 x 10.400 = 72.000 €. the tax on that kind of luxury articles consist of 20% vat + 50% excise-duty = 70%. the amount the government "earned" is 72.000 x 70% = 50.400 €. this money will double every 10-year period, so over 40 years time this amount of money will grow to like this 50.800 - 100.800 - 201.600 - 403.200 € pp.
the same reasoning for booth. if you are a modest drinker - lets say 1 unit a day - you pay 7 (days) x 52 (weeks) x 40 (years) x 2.50 € (the price for 1 unit) = 36.000€. so "average" people use at least 2 units a day (outcome of statistics), thus the average proceeds is 2 (units) x 36.000 € = 72.000 € pp. the tax the government "earned" is 72.000 € x 70% = 50.400 €. the average profit is 50.400 - 100.800 - 201.600 - 403.200 € pp. (maybe this is the so-called gratuities for the politicians?)
it is so nice to see that the total amount of money is the same for alcohol and tobacco! it demonstrates the way of thinking of the "authorities" exactly. it is the same reason why there is in a glass of beer, wine or drink is different amount of centiliters but the same alcohol percentage.
together, when you smoke and drink the government "earns" 806.400 € (smoking and drinking). who is the bad guy? the government, that takes all your money (you have paid already 50% tax for the money you earned and an additional 70% luxury tax on alcohol and tobacco + some money for gasoline and car) or the consumer?
if we all know from this kind of statistics the distribution is like a gauss-curve. that's the reason why the spokesman of the governments invented the slogan: smoke and drink moderately (but enough) otherwise you will die and that would be a real disaster (for them and probably lesser to the consumers).
as you might know this kind of tax's is already added to the budget of the government for coming year and btw (dutch for vat) did you know that some governments consider to exclude that kind of consumers (regulars) from healthcare and other services in the near future? despite the hypocritical attitude concerning morality, the consumers are scapegoat by the government to hide their real incentives: their addiction to money.
nevertheless this kind of consumers contribute far more to the economic circus than "normal" civilians by delivering more work to the transport, retail-trade, good earning health-care and even to the black-market.
maybe the governments of societies are more sick than the consumers and is it better to speak from "syphilized" rather than "civilized" countries. yes, morality depends on economics!
no, smoking and drinking isn't healthy at all. now i have to open my window to let the smoke out and the "belle" air in from the streets and traffic. yes, how did you guessed it, even this air isn't free from tax ;-)
Labels: moralism