koendriks kinky keepsakes

Location: Belgium

there is something of nothing in me, that's quite a lot. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nothing is more important than nothing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- i graduated primary school, but all i had to know i learned in the kindergarten (robert fulghum). -+-+-+-+-+-


microsoft, the cheaters-company

there isn't a company in the world, that delivers more inferior products than microsoft ! almost nothing is working in a normal way. in the mean time i used windows 98 - xp - vista and 7. the 'best' was xp and it is still faster than 7.

security was always a problem in any edition and it is not better than 7, despite microsoft claims it is, and one could say that microsoft is the founder and initiator of spy- and malware, because they let deliberately there security-holes open.

every 2 years they stop backing up their operating system! If you install windows-os on ur computer, the harddrive has to be defragmentated immediately! furthermore there is standard no backup of the registry, so if u lose some by accident, you are not capable to reset.

the operating system is so complicated only to make sure, that they can spy on you at anything you do. this means that the operating system has to be very heavy and thus the velocity of the os very low. in time the computers are slower, despite more sophisticated chips. also the memory management of the windows-os is archaic, insufficient and a lot of leakage.

this means that your pc will become more and more slower in time. even windows updates shows recently to be very dangerous and causes pc's to crash. windows-live is not functioning well. hotmail-servers are overloaded. a lot of spam, despite their 'good ' -functioning filters.

windows-live messenger is not save to use. there are always uninvited guests. system restore doesn't work, files and registers become easily corrupted. the only thing microsoft is good in is to controle if you have a genuine examplar of the windows-os.

it is time to boycott microsoft on all fronts collectively.
btw skype is also not functioning well since microsoft took-over recently!



who is the owner of the cable?

there is not one item, that the belgium government has handled in the right way in the past. take for account the cable. belgacom was a formerly government-company that was responsible for telephony and cable. the task was to distributed and to maintain the cables. more than half a century the common people has to pay for that cable and normally spoken this cable belongs to the people and not to belgacom.

in the time that belgacom was privatised without the consent of the common man by guy verhofstad, the belgium premier for short-term profit, there was nothing done by belgacom to renew the old cable by glassfiber, a big fault and neglect. this is also the reason that belgacom can’t claim the cable as their property.

now belgacom blocks the access of other companies by asking very high prices for the access of the network (the old-fashionated and obsolete cable, payed by the common people). belgacom and telenet have made price-agreements to counteract newcommers in the market. telephony and internet are the most expensive in europe and at this very moment a lot is written in the media. europe will codemn belgium again and the citizens will pay the price!



cable & television

it is almost unbelievable what we have to pay for an inferior supply on cable-television. first we need a decoder because belgacom/telenet can not offer us glassfiber, because they never invested in new techniques. secondly the quality of the programs of the belgium senders is exceptional bad.

most of the programs are the same, like temptation island and derivates, cooking programs, programs about building houses and remakes, popfestvals and dancing-programs. and of course not to forget sports like footbal. many programs are repeated more than once. every 5 minutes there is a block of reclame put through our throat without asking. the same with eurosport channels.

in the evening the official belgium senders transmit gamble-games, that are forbidden by law! and also transmissions of straight porno, without any shame. it is obvious that the income from the advertisements are dictated only by the euro and not by moral standards. the best thing to do is to quitte our subscription asap.



windows mediaplayer and the believers

maybe it is the best (microsoft) player around - although realplayer claimes to be better - it is a fact that i never saw such an unfriendly player as windows mediaplayer and i can know because i use itunes for long time now. it is almost unbelievable that microsoft have made such a garbage. on the other hand we had to know because of all other unfriendly programs of microsoft. nothing in the player works as it should do and only idiots from microsoft knows how to use it.

distorted minds by the so called developers of software, they really don't get it. the adagio the more complicated the better is their motto. and the software doesn't do what it has to do. after install ation the player should be seeking automatically for music stored on the computer, that's fine, but it doesn't function well besides there isn't a possibility to do that on command. the automatic list function is horrable. the selection list in the small window is made by a sick amusical man (bill gates): everything in it isn't of real interest except for the title, the composer and the conductor.

here is a resume from the ridiculous list: how many times it is played in the night, evening, afternoon and in the morning, type, bitrate, date of code, date of last play, date of addition, co-artist, my classification, sort on, genre, subgenre, field 1 and 2 parental control, writer, sphere, key. name and all other items without any interest. who wants to know. obvious it is very difficult to categorize the music as classic because beethoven is better know as a movie ;)

besides it is not really possible to chose the functions you want. as always microsoft urge you to use their unwanted vision. i never saw such an incompetent piece of software. and even i don't understand why people want to have a non-authorized copy of windows :) and because you are so kind to buy their sofware, they reward you by installing mal- and spyware without your consent because they are always talking about your privacy. no wonder the world is in an economical recession now, and guess what: bill gates is the founder.



definition of privacy according to the new bill-bush law

your profile: how much microsoft is concerned to guarantee your privacy: the following items are copied from forms you have to fill in *

contact details:
when you communicate your contact details with your friends, they can always reach and contact you. you can update in your contact data and share with others, so they will have always your latest data. choose wich information you want to share and who has access to it. who receive updates of your contact data? from whom you receives updates of their contactdata? invite other people for automatic updates of your profile.

full name:
title, first name, second name, family name, postscriptum.

personal data:
your messenger-contactpersons and your spaces-friends, partner, home address, country, region, state, town, zipcode, telephone home 1, telephone home 2, mobile, private number, telefax home, private e-mail address, private messenger address, date of born: day, month, year. special date: day month year.

business data:
your messenger-contactpersons, function, industry, trade, profession, address work, zipcode, country, region, state, telephone work 1, telephone work 2, mobile work, beeper work, telefax work, e-mail work, business address for messenger-notices, date of start, day, month, year. remarks.

social data:
in your social data other users can find information about you and your interessses. select the information you want to share and who has access to that. authorizations:
everybody on internet, marital status, interests: friends, contacts for activities, business contacts, dating, pets, residence, former residencies, humor, mode, music, favorite quotation.

save, annulate,
© 2008 microsoft, private statement, usersagreement, behavioral code, inform of misonduct, safety, help, accountservices, feedback

proposal for improvement of your profile:

contact details: updates to send to bill gates, bush jr, the cia
full name: nickname, third name, license of birth, place of birth
personal data: partners, friends, sex nature nr of acts, behaviour
business data: name of bosses wife, bank, account, pin, salary
practical data: where goes the money? objects depth and guilts
social data: civil disobedience, hiv, bestiality (wich lam?), belief
special data: contacts with alquaida, training and hiding address
method by bb: windows live messenger the bill & bush method

as we all know microsoft is allowed to spy as much as needed by the founder of alquaida mr. bush jr for behind every civilian there could be hidden a terrorist and especially you.

as we know windows xp and vista of bill $$ are "full of gates", by this gateway microsoft invites all virus- and malware builders and to hide this shortcomings and incompetences microsoft has introduced his own spyware know as "better internet". every virus- and malwarescanner will confirm this. even more it seems very likely that microsoft launches their own virussus to violate our privacy again and again.

in the past microsoft killed all better concurrents in the field, in the mean time they use words like behavioural code, inform of misconduct and ethics. the same items were used by dictators like hitler in the second worldwar. microsoft violates privacy more times and it seems there are two definitions of privacy: one for them and one for us. and even us means also u.s.

it is a shame that microsoft is a member of the so-called truste-org!
now it is time to acknowledge microsoft as an orginization of terror!!
