Location: Belgium

there is something of nothing in me, that's quite a lot. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nothing is more important than nothing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- i graduated primary school, but all i had to know i learned in the kindergarten (robert fulghum). -+-+-+-+-+-


windows mediaplayer and the believers

maybe it is the best (microsoft) player around - although realplayer claimes to be better - it is a fact that i never saw such an unfriendly player as windows mediaplayer and i can know because i use itunes for long time now. it is almost unbelievable that microsoft have made such a garbage. on the other hand we had to know because of all other unfriendly programs of microsoft. nothing in the player works as it should do and only idiots from microsoft knows how to use it.

distorted minds by the so called developers of software, they really don't get it. the adagio the more complicated the better is their motto. and the software doesn't do what it has to do. after install ation the player should be seeking automatically for music stored on the computer, that's fine, but it doesn't function well besides there isn't a possibility to do that on command. the automatic list function is horrable. the selection list in the small window is made by a sick amusical man (bill gates): everything in it isn't of real interest except for the title, the composer and the conductor.

here is a resume from the ridiculous list: how many times it is played in the night, evening, afternoon and in the morning, type, bitrate, date of code, date of last play, date of addition, co-artist, my classification, sort on, genre, subgenre, field 1 and 2 parental control, writer, sphere, key. name and all other items without any interest. who wants to know. obvious it is very difficult to categorize the music as classic because beethoven is better know as a movie ;)

besides it is not really possible to chose the functions you want. as always microsoft urge you to use their unwanted vision. i never saw such an incompetent piece of software. and even i don't understand why people want to have a non-authorized copy of windows :) and because you are so kind to buy their sofware, they reward you by installing mal- and spyware without your consent because they are always talking about your privacy. no wonder the world is in an economical recession now, and guess what: bill gates is the founder.
