Location: Belgium

there is something of nothing in me, that's quite a lot. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nothing is more important than nothing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- i graduated primary school, but all i had to know i learned in the kindergarten (robert fulghum). -+-+-+-+-+-


defense mechanisms intro

quality of self-deception,
two chief forms denial and disguise
denial of impulses, memories or actions

1. amnesia
the memory is hidden by repressive mechanisms
motives anxiety or guilt

disguise = the second form of self-deception
motives + to maintain or enhance self-esteem
motives – escape or defend against anxiety

2. rationalizationliking or disliking as an excuse
blaming circumstances and other people
necessity as an excuse

3. projectionprotect ourselves from undesirable qualities
projection is really a form of rationalization

4. reaction-formation
overprotection, overindulgence

5. dissociation
a. compulsive movements
mannerisms, gestures, tics, rituals, blepharo-spasm, blinking
b. excessive theorizing, intellectualization
as a substitute for action

6. repression
a. amnesia repression vs suppression
b. indirect expression symbolism

7. substitution
a. sublimation
b. compensation and overcompensation

(8) displacement = indirect aggression
scapegoating (zondebok)
prejudice against minority groups

(9) regression
a. retrogression
b. primitivation
