Location: Belgium

there is something of nothing in me, that's quite a lot. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nothing is more important than nothing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- i graduated primary school, but all i had to know i learned in the kindergarten (robert fulghum). -+-+-+-+-+-


the electric shock-therapy

it is obvious that belgium has become a banana-republic. the politicians can do anything for the moment because of internal contrasts and if they do something they just do the wrong things. guy verhofstad has selled all our patrimonium and rented back, so that we face double burden at the long term. guy verhofstad selled the belgium aircraft-industry to switserland for almost nothing and guy verhofstad has sold the electricity-interests to the suez-company.

in ealier times electrabel was a state-company, that was privatised against the will of the people for short-term profit. now electrabel dictates the energy-market and they refuse to pay taxes. they make concurency impossible and now te government makes comments but they forgot that they sold themselves. in the mean time guy verhofstad sits in the europarliament and is aiming for the presidency.

the unlimited greed of the politicians in belgium makes it almost impossible to live for the common man in a normal way. there are 71 superfluous senators. furthermore there are 785 members of the parliament more then 3-fold the number in the netherlands, that’s 25% bigger in area and has 1.6 x more inhabitants. it is known that there are 68.000 officials to much in belgium, for whom normal people has to bleed. and this while the government doesn’t have any real impact pressure anymore. so they are really superfluous.

discrimination is a normal business in the belgium government (they are the best in it): members of the parliament earn there pension after 52 years and 20 years in parliament is a full job. the pension is 75% of the last salary (4326 €/month). if we take in account the median presence of the parliament ± 10% (what particular company would tolerate this?) and the fact that they all have many other jobs in the same time, one could speak of an aberration.

it must be clear that in a society certain basic needs like real estate, housing, electricity, gas, watersupply, telephony and cable must stay in the hand of the common people and that the government has to provide it. it is time that we block the unmeasurable greed of the politicians and the government. i think we need a new revolution and an new electric-driven guillotine
