Location: Belgium

there is something of nothing in me, that's quite a lot. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- nothing is more important than nothing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- i graduated primary school, but all i had to know i learned in the kindergarten (robert fulghum). -+-+-+-+-+-


my world song

song for gitar or violin
songwriter john nonnel

eflat - a dim - music out

in my mind, there is a world
and that world is mine

chorus: minimi minimy

in my world there is a girl
and that girl is mine

chorus: girlemi girlemy

and that girl has a heart
and that heart is mine

chorus: artemi artemy

in that heart there is a love
and that love longs for me

chorus: longemi longemy

in that love there is just me
and his name is jereme

chorus: jeremi jeremy

jereme loves his girl
lenkame is his pearl

chorus: lenkami lenkamy

and that pearl is mine
she shell always shine

chorus: shineme shinemy
