art academy of vidin situated along the park near the danube

baba vida the old turkish fortress and kapia to the old city
cathedral st. dimiter the third biggest cathedral in bulgaria
looking at the cathedral & mall vidin with sculpture
the river danube and some fish restaurants and boats
jewish synagoge no money to repair this beautiful building

war monument at the end of the park woman holding the sword
war monument of the russian soldiers (russian-turkish war battle)

city hall of vidin and the city hall captured by lantarns
city hall and palace of justice with the 3 castle ladies
ruski cupula building & the fountains opposite to city hall of vidin
shiroka bul and old building with two ladies, now a computer shop
park along the river danube with many monuments and sculpters
opera building in vidin as ususally pink coloured in bulgaria
some bus stops & typical shops in vidin living two centuries ago
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